Wheres Waldo | Valerie Walden


Artist Name:

Valerie Walden

Description of Artwork:

Be the light you want to see. If the sun is in space… why is there light on earth but not in space?
Such things we do not understand just happen. As art just happens. We have an image and a plan but what is to become of the outcome?
We do not truly know until it is complete and the ways of creation have been a mystery for ages.

Artist Biography:

Art has always held a special place in my heart. I’m working on going all out to create the biggest, coolest projects I have ever created. With the world and all of its Problems; The show must go on! I plan on continuing to make the world a brighter place bringing light! The incredible people in this community are why I continue to follow my dreams. It has been an outlet for me when I just want to get away. Finding peace in my paintings and being able to share them with the community. Starting my small business and marketing this year so I can give back to charities and people that can also use art as an outlet. For the people “stuck in the rainstorm” is why I love what I do!

Website/Social Media:


Robert Reyes | Robert Reyes


Wolftzer | Alexx WOLF